Well, not me or my mind, particularly – though some might consider the title apposite!
Instead, I refer to https://www.thecrazymind.com/, a very interesting site which features interviews with 'creatives' across diverse genres.
Back in September 2021, I was fortunate enough to be interviewed by the team and, since that predated the inception of this column, I thought readers might be interested to see it.
You can read the interview here https://www.thecrazymind.com/2021/09/interview-with-painter-haydn-dickenson.html
Just so as this post is not confined to a link and a few words, here is a painting that sold back in 2019, the year it was made. I'm looking to add some more 'already sold works' to the Iologies site LINK to be released as prints – both Fine Art and Limited Edition, so who would be in favour of this one being made available? Do let me know?

THE WAY THE WAVES COME IN - Haydn Dickenson 2019
And don't forget, Iologies Fine Art is currently running a 50% launch-discount on all prints, so do drop by and choose – perhaps as a Christmas present! https://www.iologies.com/copy-of-originals-1
Since the launch of Iologies' website, there have been interesting developments. These include ongoing negotiations with a buyer for NFT rights on two of my paintings, together with overtures made to some interesting provincial and London galleries.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.
Copyright Haydn Dickenson 2023