Vincent Van Gogh said (maybe) “Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.”
Whether Vincent Van penned or uttered those words at all matters not so much. There is more than a grain of truth in them.
Small is very often beautiful. Abstract Art typically comes in sizes XL and upwards, and – for an abstract painter - there is indeed nothing like unleashing a torrent of expressionist angst on a really large canvas, revelling in the very act of painting which imbues abstract art with such a great amount of its power.
My way, however, is often to work against the norm. As much as flinging paint over wide surfaces, I enjoy distilling the psychological essence into a highly concentrated tincture, by working small.
In past years much-missed, I used to spend a great deal of time in the Languedoc region of Southern France (which I wrote about here for those who are interested to read a little more about my artistic heart). In the local town of Lodève I regularly used to visit the Musée Fleury which houses a small but magnificent and eclectic collection of Art. Nestled in the collection was a very small painting by – I'm pretty sure – Braque (my mind has blanked at the wrong moment). I loved it. My art-friend in those parts was sniffy, which made me sad, for I loved this painting's concise, compact economy.
If you've already read my last post, you'll know that my artistic juices have not been abundant of late. I'm trying to crank things up again though, so here are two paintings from about five weeks ago.
Yes, they are diminutive; and one of them is doing its hardest not to dry!

All original paintings by me may be viewed at . Please contact me via that site or here to discuss purchase.
SMALL THINGS BROUGHT TOGETHER copyright Haydn Dickenson 2024